Are There Restrictions for Pools or Trampolines?

Agents can indicate whether there is a pool on the premises on the Property Review tab in the Portal. We note that there are no trampoline restrictions above this question.

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Agents should select Yes if there is a hot tub or pool on the premises, even if it is currently without water.

Openly does not have pool restrictions. This means we do not require a fence around the pool and accept pools with slides and diving boards.

Coverage for the pool is not provided under Coverage A (Main Dwelling), even inside the dwelling. Pool coverage is provided under Coverage B or Coverage C, depending on the type of pool (Coverage B for immovable pools, Coverage C for portable pools). You can increase coverage on the Coverage tab in the Portal.

Note the following:

  • Rooftop pools render the dwelling unconventional and would not be eligible with Openly.
  • Pool-sharing (pool rental on the premises) is not within our appetite.

To add / remove pool coverage for in-force policies, or if you need further assistance, contact us via our webform or Live Chat.

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