Users with the role of Agency Administrator can add new users as agents or edit roles for existing users.
Add new user
1. Open the Settings page within the Portal by clicking on your picture in the upper right.
2. Navigate to the Team section and click +Add User.
3. An Add User window will appear, prompting you to enter the user's name and email address and assign Agent Role(s) and Authorized States.
4. Once complete, click Save.
5. To confirm the successful creation of the new user's account, check for their name in the Team list. The user will receive an email inviting them to set up their account.
Agency administrators cannot add MS Transverse states to their producers' authorized states due to the necessary onboarding process. To start the process of adding an MS Transverse state to user accounts, contact your Agency Success Manager (ASM). For the list of states impacted and additional information about MS Transverse and the onboarding process, refer to our articles:
- What Should I Know About MS Transverse?
- What's the Onboarding Process for Future MS Transverse States?
If you want to sign up for onboarding, you can do so here!
All users are assigned the Agent role upon account creation. This role is required to access the Openly Portal, so refrain from deleting it.
Additionally, if a user's account access needs to be revoked, select NO under the IS ACTIVE text and save. Accounts cannot be deleted, only made inactive.
Edit existing user
- Locate the user’s name in the Team section and click on it.
- This brings up the profile page, where you can update the user's name and email address, add most authorized states, and account status.
- Click Edit.
- Once done, click Save.
If you need further assistance, contact us via our webform, Live Chat, or contact your Agency Success Manager.