What is a Primary Heating Source?

For all policy types, information on a dwelling's Primary Heating Source is requested on the Property Review tab in the Portal.

As shown below, you must answer the following: Is a non-thermostatically controlled wood, kerosene, pellet, or similar stove used as the primary heating source?


This question is related to the Main Dwelling and requires a Yes or No response.

  • Select NO if the primary heating source is wood, kerosene, pellet, or similar and is thermostatically controlled. 
  • Select YES if the primary heating source is wood, kerosene, pellet, or similar and is not thermostatically controlled. The policy will then return with a Does Not Qualify status that cannot be overridden.
  • Select YES if the primary heating source is an electric wall or space heater, even if thermostatically controlled. The policy will then return with a Does Not Qualify status that cannot be overridden.

Other structures non-thermostatically controlled by wood, kerosene, pellet, or similar are eligible for us.

For further assistance, contact us via our webform or Live Chat.

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