What is Openly's Target Market?

Our target market consists of homes with a replacement cost ranging from $400K to $2M. The Primary Insured should have an insurance score within the top 30%, but we will also consider those with an insurance score within the top 70%. Ideally, there should not be any prior losses; however, we will consider homes with up to two (2) prior losses.

We prefer separate Flood, Umbrella, and Auto coverages within the agency, but we will accept monoline home coverage as well.

Our underwriting process concentrates less on traditional factors—pools, dogs, and wires—and more on an automated assessment of the client's loss propensity using numerous factors. Our pricing and underwriting approach may differ from other carriers, making us the right choice for certain clients.

Criteria Sweet Spot Accepted Range
Home Value $400k to $1.5 M $200k to $3M*
Insurance Score Top 30% Top 70%
Prior Losses Zero Up to two
Coverages Umbrella, Flood, Auto in Agency Monoline Home is OK

*Subject to state-specific guidelines


For further assistance, contact us via our webform or Live Chat.

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