- Multi-family homes: Two or more family units in the same main dwelling. A family unit is the number of separate and distinct livable units within the property.1
- Mobile homes: Homes fabricated in a factory with an integrated chassis, then transported to a site as self-contained living units.
- Log or timber cabins: Homes constructed with interlocking log weight-bearing walls where the logs are typically both outside and inside surfaces of the home. Openly does allow log homes with stacked logs that are greater than or equal to 1,500 square feet.
- Homes that are on a historic registry: Homes listed on local, state, or national historic registries, which come with restrictions on structural repairs and upgrades.
- Homes that are built on stilts or piers: Homes that are raised on piles or piers (vertical parts of the foundation that are driven deep into the ground) over the surface of the soil or a body of water. 1
- Homes with on-site businesses: Homes hosting a home-based business with over five monthly visitors. Homes with daycares may have limited coverage. 1
- Homes with unconventional heating sources: Homes where the primary heating source is a non-thermostatically controlled stove, such as wood, kerosene, etc.
- Townhomes and condos: Townhomes and condominiums under a master policy with coverage for exterior structure or roof. 2
- Electrical systems that are not up to code: Homes with electrical systems that do not meet current codes, including knob and tube wiring.
- PPCⓇ 9 and 10: Homes with a greater risk of fire damage that are classified as Public Protection Class (PPCⓇ) 9 or 10.
- Older rental properties: Homes that are 20 years or older rented-to-others.
- Homes with non-standard roofing materials: Rolled roofs or homes with roof materials including gravel, t-lock shingles, or asbestos.
- Missing handrails, railings, or banisters: We require handrails for more than three (3) steps and a railing or banister for decks or steps over 36" in height.
1 State variations may apply.
2 Coverage for townhomes or condominiums not available in IN, MS, or KY.