How Do I Set Up Applied Epic® Rater with Openly?

This guide will walk you through adding Openly to your Applied Epic® rater. It will be helpful to have two browser windows open: one for the Applied Epic® rater setup and one for Openly's Portal.

Don't use Internet Explorer for this process because the Openly Agent Portal does not support it. Instead, we recommend using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.

Note that Applied Epic® Rater is not available for setup in all states.
Supported States: AL, AZ, CT, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, ME, MS, MO, NH, NM, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, TN, UT, WI

To set up Applied Epic® Rater

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  1. Log in to the Applied Epic® website and click the Configure button on the left-hand sidebar.

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  1. Click on the Quotes button, then click on Quotes Setup Personal.

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  1. Click on the Carriers tab towards the top of the page.

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  1. Under Available Carrier Websites, search for Openly. If Openly is not added, then make sure to click on the Add button.

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  1. Click on the black arrow to the left of Openly's name to make it point down. You should see the web address for Openly's Portal appear, which should read as

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  1. Next, click on the Credentials tab.

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  1. You shouldn't see any Agency or User Credentials if you have not previously set up your rater with Openly.

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  1. Click on the Plus button under Select a Carrier Website. Select the User Type.

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  1. Enter the email address that you use to log in to Openly's Portal.

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  1. Click the Plus button under Agent/Producer Codes to add an Access Key.

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  1. To generate an Access Key, switch to the Openly Portal in another browser window. Then, click the Settings button, which is found by clicking on your picture in the upper right of the Portal.

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EZLynx Generate Key.png

  1. Click on the Raters & IVANS tab. EAppled Epic® uses EZLynx® Access Keys, so click the Generate Key button under EZLynx® and copy the generated key.

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EZLynx Delete Key.png

DO NOT close this box until the Access Key is copied. If you accidentally close it, you can click the Delete Key button to generate a new key. Each agent should have their own key to associate with their Openly credentials.

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  1. Switch back to the Applied Epic® browser window and paste the Access Key into the Openly Access Key section in Applied Epic® under the Value entry box. You should be able to begin quoting with Openly.

Our Customer Experience Team is not able to provide additional insight or troubleshooting. If the advice does not resolve your issue, contact the Admin within your Agency, Applied Epic®, or your Openly Agency Success Manager for further assistance.


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