What is the Payment Authorization Form?

Payment authorization forms are required for all policies with an EFT or CC billing method. These forms give Openly consent to charge the payment method on file and are necessary for automatic withdrawal of renewal premium. Policyholders who do not wish to have payments automatically withdrawn can choose the direct bill invoice option. For more detailed information, see What Methods of Payment Do You Accept?

Policyholders who have opted-in to electronic documents will be emailed the form. Once completed, it will be automatically returned to Openly. Blank authorization forms for wet signatures are located on the Documents tab. You may also use a blank form to check what the last four digits of an EFT or CC payment method are. That information is located on page two of the form.

See How Does eSign For Openly's Electronic Documents Function? for assistance if the applicant has trouble eSigning the authorization form.

To upload the form:

1. Locate the policy in the portal and click Manage.

2. Click Upload Document on the upper right side of the screen.

3. Select CC or EFT Authorization Form from the dropdown menu, then choose the file from your computer or drag the file into the designated space.

The form must match the payment method in the portal for the option to appear in the dropdown.

4. Click Save.

5. If the form was submitted correctly, you will receive a green success message at the bottom of your screen.

To view the status of the authorization form for any policy, go to the bottom of the Payment and Bind tab. Once the form has been received, this indicator, Payment Authorization Form Received, will be displayed under the payment method. You can also check if the form has been received on the Billing Summary.

If you need further assistance or a new authorization form sent via email, contact us via our webform or Live Chat.

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