How Can I Have a Policy Reinstated?

Canceled policies can possibly be reinstated up to 60 days from the cancelation date. 

Lapsed policies require a review for reinstatement eligibility. Submit review requests via webform. Choose Cancelation, Reinstatement, or Cancel / Rewrite as the How May We Assist reason, then select Reviewed for Reinstatement.

If the policy is eligible for reinstatement after review, the requester will be given instructions on making full payment if the policy has lapsed seven (7) days or less. For policies that lapse eight (8) days or more, the requester will be given instructions on making full payment, and a Statement of No Loss must be submitted. To process the reinstatement, both the payment and a signed Statement of No Loss must be completed on the same calendar date. A blank form is provided below.

For policies reviewed and deemed ineligible for reinstatement with Openly, agents may be able to requote in our system using a future effective date. Openly cannot process a backdated effective date endorsement on a new policy to cover the lapse from the canceled policy.

If the new quote results in a Does Not Qualify status, agents can create a new quote with a second named insured's information. The new quote may yield a different premium or another Does Not Qualify outcome. Premiums cannot be adjusted, and DNQ statuses cannot be overridden.

If you have any additional questions about Openly’s quoting, cancellation, or reinstatement process, contact us via our webform, Live Chat, or your Agency Success Manager.

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